Samiksha Rekhalu(Prefaces to 10
books in Telugu )
Published :Sri
Goda Grandhamala,Musunooru,
Krishna Dist.,A.P,India.
Price :Rs.3/-
Published 1973
out of print.
SanjivaDev has written prefaces to the books of Samavedam Janakirama
sharma(Radha Hridayam, 1970);Randhi Somaraju (Poddu,1972);Vegunta Mohana
Prasad (Chiti-Chinta, 1969);Ms.Nela Nuthula Parvathi Krishnamurthy(Rama
charitha Manasamrutham,1962); Donepudi RajaRao (Gopichand, 1969);Lingam
Veerabhabraiah Choudary (Abhiprayalu-Anubhavalu,1972); Ms.Devyagnana
Sarojini Devi (Chitrakala, 1972); Ms.K.RadhaDevi (Sidhila Soudham,1964);
K.HanumanthaRao (Vaangmaya Samalochanam,1972); K.T.L. Narsimhacharyulu
(Lokamata 1970). He has written many more prefaces to authors like Chalam
(Translation of Geetanjali),Pasala Bheemanna(Hetuvadi Jeevanam),etc which
are not included in this volume.
Published 1969
PP: 370
Naveena Publication ,Tenali,India.
out of print .
Buchibabu the
noted novelist wrote preface to this book.Mr.S.HanumanthaRao brought out
this publication.This volume includes articles on Narla,David Mctchin,
Gopichand,P.V.Pathi, Mokkapati Krishna Murthy,S.V.RamaRao,Aldous
Huxley,Asuthosh Mukherji. SanjivaDev studied in depth Bengali literature ,
Existentialism, Japanese poetry,Psychoanalysis,and world language
problems.These articles are taken from various magazines and compiled
into a volume.
Lekha Sravanthi (Letters of and
to SanjivaDev )
PP: 170
Crown: 1/8
Spandana Printers ,Ramanaidu Peta , Machilipatnam-521001,India.
out of print.
This is correspondence between K.Laxmi(Editor of Aaahvanam Monthly) and
Sanjiva Dev.They covered many aspects of life,arts,and experiences. One
can see the cross references and glimpses of rare thoughts of Sanjiva Dev