PROLEGOMENA TO MARGO SKINNER               Dr.Sanjiva Dev 

Stasis and Kinesis. Which represent space and time respectively. May in other words be called being and becoming. Which again represent matter and energy.

Man is man because he is not a stone. A plant or an animal. Unlike them he thinks, he writes poetry. It is only the human being who produces poetry. Whether spoken or written. While other living beings are unable to do so.

Yet, all human beings are not poets despite the fact that all poet are human beings.Mrs. Margo Skinner is a poet in addition to being a human being. She was not merely a poet but more than a poet as well. She did belong to every realm of both enlightenment and refinement. she was a versatile genius.

For her to live meant to make a pilgrimage on the fragrant path of culture. She was a living embodiment of moving culture.Apart from other aspects of culture in which she was engrossed. Poetry has been the main aspect in which she lived. Her life was dedicated to the flames of Truth. Benevolence and Beauty. She was born in San Francisco. California and in the same city. After husband’s death. She left her carnal body.

She was lyrical poet par excellence. That was why she was inclined to write the Hyku poems. Which migrated into several parts of the globe from Japan. She was fond of Oriental Culture, especially she was inclined immensely towards the thought. Arts and people of India where she spent two years during 1960 and 61 in Hyderabad as Editor of the English Magazine “Mankind”.


Dedicated to politics and culture. Which was internationally circulated Dr. Rammanohar Lohia was the Founder Editor of “Mankind”.

Later on Mrs. Skinner returned to San Francisco where she settled down as a film critic and broad caster, contributor and staffer: to Bay Guardin. Hollywood Reporter,Sacrimento Bee, S.F.Chronicle, Toronto star.AP Reuters etc.. and many more. She was immeasely interested in various sports and conducted world tournaments creating inspiration in many a man and woman, boy and girl.She was a keen traveler:Hawaii,Phillippines, Burma, Hong Kong, India, England, France, Italy. Her interest was both intensive and extensive covering cultural anthropology, ecology, politics. Love of animals. She has fostered two great Siamese cats as well as special dogs. Thus Mrs. Margo Skinner was a rare human specimen, a luminous flame of all that was right and bright, extending the triple-glow of the True, the Good and the Beautiful for the sake of the benevolent unfoldment of the soma-psyche of humanity at large.Like every human being she too was composed of flesh,blood,bones, nerves, brain, motor and sensory organs accompanied by thought,feelings,hopes, despairs, fear and courage,etc.,yet she was not an empirical being. She was a transcendental one beyond the shadows of mundane life.

Her aesthetic as well as intellectual writings, done both in prose and verse,which have remained immortal inspite of the absence of the writer who has hidden behind the veil of mortality, do reveal what is hidden behind the phenomena of the

cosmic reality.Mrs. Skinner’s, cerebral-cum-sensory functions were not the slaves of the cerebrum and senses but they rendered the latter their own slaves. She stood always in living -Liberation free from all the fetters of the cosmic existence.

Human life is three-fold-Sub-Human, Human and Super - human . Man is born as sub-human grows as human and culminates into super-human.All human beings may not pass this process of evolution. Some of them forever may remain in the state of the sub-human, others may in that of the human while a few may evolve into the super-human.

Mrs. Skinner was able to unfold herself into the super-human before embracing the evening of her life. What ever fails to be done by the sub-human is accomplished by the human and eventually whatever could not be done by the human could be accomplished by the super-human. Judged by the marvelous achievements executed by Mrs. Skinner one could arrive at the conclusion that she, beyond all doubt, was a super-woman who has lifted herself above every sub-human and human imperfection. It seems she was above the common reach of ordinary humans. No doubt, she had climbed to the ultimate summits of life and yet she was within the common reach of the ordinary persons. That was why she happened to be super-human. A super-human is then a super-human when he or she would be within the reach of an ordinary human.

The present volume “As Green As Emeraude” contains Skinner’s poems
